Carcassonne Medieval City

Nowadays, Carcassonne Medieval city is one of the most attractive and dynamic touristic sites of Southern France, and luckily it never lost its authenticity. The wonders of the fortified city and its troubled history would provoke the interest of UNESCO in 1997 and lead to the protection of such a great place.
Fo sure, Carcassonne is a major touristic place, but not only.
Movie directors were attracted to this fantastic place to created master pieces of the Cinema. First silent movies like "The Return of the Crusader" in 1908 or "Saint Joan of Arc" in 1927 did find the right place to recreate the medieval atmosphere. More recently, "Robin Hood : Prince of the Thieves" in 1991 starring Kevin Costner or an adaptation of "Labyrinth" the famous novel by English writer Kate Mosse.

Fo sure, Carcassonne is a major touristic place, but not only.
Movie directors were attracted to this fantastic place to created master pieces of the Cinema. First silent movies like "The Return of the Crusader" in 1908 or "Saint Joan of Arc" in 1927 did find the right place to recreate the medieval atmosphere. More recently, "Robin Hood : Prince of the Thieves" in 1991 starring Kevin Costner or an adaptation of "Labyrinth" the famous novel by English writer Kate Mosse.

The location of Carcassonne medieval city has ever been a strategic one. The position of the town was the ideal place to watch and control the Aude River Valley. First fortifications were built around the 3rd century AD when the Roman Empire began to be invaded by German tribes. Then, the troubled and bloody times of the Crusade against the Cathars totally changed the shape of the city. A second ring of battlements protected the city and 52 towers made this place impregnable.
Nowadays its 2 miles /3kms of fortifications make this place the biggest medieval complex in Europe. Inside the medieval city, discover the vestiges of the Counts Castle and its treasures.
Nowadays its 2 miles /3kms of fortifications make this place the biggest medieval complex in Europe. Inside the medieval city, discover the vestiges of the Counts Castle and its treasures.
The Touristic train :
If you want to discover the medieval city in another way, a good option would be to go aboard the touristic train, better known under the name of "Le Petit Train". This attraction perfectly fits with the families, and so, you can spend time together and enjoy the discovery of the wall defensive system. Then to enjoy this tour, meet the train at the Narbonne's gate and go for an adventure. Eventually, you can pick up a second option and discover the medieval city from the Bastide (modern Carcassonne town) and admire the magnificent and strong walls from below.
Lady Carcas Legend...
Many versions of a legend talk of a woman named Lady Carcas. It is said that the name of the city should come from the 9th century when the city was controlled by the Saracens. A Muslim Prince called Balak was married to a beautiful (and clever) lady: Lady Carcas.
Killed during a fight against emperor Charlemagne, the Franks wanted to reconquer the fortified town, but Lady Carcas was a very intelligent woman and had an idea to reject her foes. Now, discover how she did ...
Like Charlemagne siege in front of the City was a long lasting, food started to miss in both camps. In the city there was only one bag of wheat and a piglet left (big part of the city was Muslim, so enable to eat pork meat). But Lady Carcas also was a master of illusions. She decided to trick Charlemagne and overfeed the piglet with the bag of wheat. While Charlemagne was walking toward the city for the last assault, Lady Carcas thrown the overfed piglet from the battlement. Due to the violence of the flight, it exploded at the Emperor feet and he believed there was so many foods left in the city than Carcassonne citizens could waste it.

After a 5 years long siege, Charlemagne decided to definitely leave the place. To celebrate her victory, Lady Carcas rang the bells of all the city. From afar, Charlemagne was wondering what was happening and one of his soldiers told him "Carcas sonne" ("Carcas rings"... In French : to ring is "sonner"). So this word game from the legend is supposed to be the origin of the city's name. Obviously, it is a legend, because historically there's some errors. However, nowadays, you may see Lady Carcas statue at the entrance of the medieval city.
Have fun and experience thrills in Carcassonne :
First, if you want to experience thrills, go to the Haunted House and face up to your fears and ghosts.
Then if you want to face up to true thrills, you should go to the Inquisition and Torture Museum. This place would explain you how the Inquisition trial was created and grew up so quickly all over Europe. Maybe the most frightening thing is just to see how creative and twisted Human being mind can be to torture and hurt his peers.
If you prefer nature and enjoy a nice place with your family, you should go to the Cavayère lake and his leisure centre. Park Aquaviva is always opened from June 10th to September 10th from 11 AM to 7 PM.
According to your arrival day on Carcassonne, you may also enjoy some cultural shows.
For example, each summer, enjoy the "Festival de la Cité" in the Jean Deschamps theatre : Concerts, operas, theatre plays are the main events.
As so many people, on July 14th, come and assist to the stunning National Day fireworks and the Medieval city blaze. Feel and experience this magical event that would give you goose bumps.
Do not miss the most medieval event happening on August month : Les Mediévales. This event is perfect to revive Middle Ages tradition of tournaments. Assist to Knights Jousts or to the animations and shows organized all over the city, and lead by people dressed up in a medieval fashion.

For people who like challenges, every year in October, you can assist to the City Marathon.
To come in Carcassonne is always a way to discover a local product. And everywhere, there is a special day or festival dedicated to these products : The asparagus in Alzonne, the cherry in Trausse Minervois or even the truffles in Roullens.
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